Report Template Parameterization

Use the Parametersブラウザ to customize and automate the repeatable process of generating entire analysis sessions in HyperWorks.

The reality of automation is that it is not always desirable to re-apply automation scripts exactly as they were originally defined. To remedy this, the Parametersブラウザ includes a graphical user interface for defining parameters that can be changed when an automation script is executed. After the parameters are defined, you can save the automation script and run it from the Reports panel.

To open the browser, click View > Browsers > HyperWorks > Parameters.

Below is a list of available report template parameters which can now be parameterized in HyperView.
  • Contour Control Data Component
  • Contour Control Data Type
  • Contour Control Legend Position
  • Legend Footer Font Name
  • Legend Footer Font Size
  • Legend Footer Text
  • Legend Header Font Name
  • Legend Header Font Size
  • Legend Header Text
  • Measure Label
  • Measure Locator Locator1
  • Measure Locator Locator2
  • Measure Locator Locator3
  • Measure Visibility
  • Model Simulation Index
  • Model Subcase ID
  • Model Title
  • Model Meshmode
  • Model Polygonmode
  • Note Anchor To Screen
  • Note Auto Hide
  • Note Border Width
  • Note Color
  • Note Fill Color
  • Note Font Name
  • Note Font Size
  • Note Font Slant
  • Note Font Weight
  • Note Horizontal Alignment
  • Note Label
  • Note Locator
  • Note Text
  • Note Transparency
  • Note X-Coordinates
  • Note Y-Coordinates
  • Note Z-Coordinates
  • Note X-Position
  • Note Y-Position
  • Note Visibility
  • Scale Control Data Type
  • Scale Control Scale Factors
  • Scale Control Scale Mode
  • Scale Control Undeformed Color
  • Scale Control Undeformed Mode
  • Section Base Coordinate Sx
  • Section Base Coordinate Sy
  • Section Base Coordinate Sz
  • Section Color
  • Section Cross Section Width
  • Section Label
  • Section Visibility
  • Tracing Control Line Color
  • Tracing Control Line Width
  • Tracing Control Tracing Mode
  • Tracing Control Tracing Steps
  • Tracking Control Label
  • Tracking Control Locator1 Locator1
  • Tracking Control Locator1 Locator2
  • Tracking Control Locator1 Locator3
  • View Fit
  • View Standardview